27 joulukuuta 2012

Christmas Eve with family

Jouluaatto perheen kanssa

Olipa reissu! Vietin mukavaa laatuaikaa perheen kanssa, toivoin vaan rauhallista  ja kiireetöntä oloa ja näinhän se meni. Lunta satoi niin paljon ja oli mukavan kirpakka sää. Poikaystävä saapui parin päivän päästä ja hän ihastui täysin Tampereeseen ja LUMEEN! Käytiin luistelemassa ja herkullisilla kanasiivillä keskustassa koko porukalla. Oli niiiiin parasta! Jouluaatto meni rattosasti pelatessa pelejä kuten monopolya ja hemmetin vaikeeta peliä "Craps"

Meitsi koitti ymmärtää tän pelin tarkousta... hmm. 

Pyynikin näkötornilla

Äitin kokkaukset, NAMMMM!

Winter in Tampere

What a trip! I had very nice time with my family in Tampere. All what I hoped was hoping to have very relaxed and Xmas time with my family and it was more than perfect. It snowed all the time and it was very crispy weather. We went for chicken wings to city centre as well, which was delicious.

21 joulukuuta 2012

Christmas Wedding

Tosiaan päätin ostaa lennot heti elokuun Suomi reissun jälkeen jouluksi kotiin.
Maksoin noin £240 lennoista Manchester - Tampere. Mikä oli tosi jees hinta, kun miettii joulu ajan kalliita lentoja. Menomatka meni mukavasti, otin taksin Manchesterista lentokentälle ja siellä sitten istuin kuppilassa hetken aikaa ja katsoin Jersey Shore -tv sarjaa, mitä poikaystävä sanoo että on ihan kuraa. Noh, mitä tälle voi kun tykkää näistä reality tv ohjelmista. :D

Heti seuraavana päivänä olikin sitten rakkaan ystäväni häät :)
Otin aveciksi serkkuni, koska poikaystäväni ei saanut oikein otettua vapaata töistä niin hän seuraa tulee sitten lauantaina perästä. Häät olivat onnistuneet, ensimmäinen siviilivihkiminen PikkuPalatsissa Tampereen ytimessä oli todella intiimi ja todella kaunis paikka vihkimiseen. Siitä sitten jatkoimme matkaa Hatanpäälle missä oli sitten tilat vuokrattu hatanpään soutupavilijongissa.
Marican häissä saimme erittäin hyvää ruokaa ja kakku oli todella maukasta.
Pienet visat ja hyvä bändi oli mukava lisä. Unohtamatta yllätys vierasta, Anitta Ahonen stand up-koomikkoa, joka sai meidät niin paljon nauramaan.
Parin tunnin juhlinnan jälkeen, soitin sitten veljelleni että jos hän hakisi meidät kotiin, koska oltiin jo niin väsyneitä eikä enään jaksanut lähteä kaupungille rilluttelemaan.. :-) Nyt odottelen lauantaita ja menen hakemaan italialaisen poikaystäväni Tampereen lentokentältä, näkee sekin hieman miltä tuntuu -25 asteen pakkaset. Lol. :)

Christmas wedding in Tampere. I decided to purchase my tickets from Finnair for Xmas right after my summer holiday in there and It was very good because I got it for very good price £240 Manchester - Tampere. I was watching this reality tv show at the airport called "Jersey Shore" which my boyfriend says its totally fake and crap. Oh well, I love all reality shows so I don't really care :-D

So next day my dear friend had wedding and I took my cousin as my avec cos my boyfriend couldn't get time off from work so he will follow me this Saturday.
Wedding was civil ceremony in PikkuPalatsi (eng.small palace) so it was small and beautiful and followed by wedding party in Hatanpään soutupavilijonki We had great time and wedding preparations were successful. There was also "surprise guest" Finnish stand up comedian Anitta Ahonen, which made us laugh so much, after few hours partying we decided to call my brother to get us home as we were already exhausted from long and nice day. Now just waiting for Xmas day and going tomorrow to get my italian boyfriend from airport to come and see how -25 C degrees feels like. Lol. :-)

16 marraskuuta 2012


Weekend trip

We went to Edinburgh for a weekend, paid 56£ roundtrip with train and 24£ a night for a little hostel near to coast. So I got to see the sea as well! 

I was kind of disappointed to Edinburgh, nothing special in town and couple of the tours what we went to.. were pretty shite. 
But we had a good trip anyway and saw some nice pubs and FOOD! :) 

Almost there...! 3 hours train from Manchester to Edinburgh

He found his favourite drink shop

Edinburgh Castle

Yam yam... ale!

This is from the beach next to our hostel 

Climbing ... and climbing.... 

Went to Whisky tour... and as I'm not big fan of whisky, he got to drink my whisky as well... 

danilo draw me as a italian man.lol. 

I saw this nice decoration idea, HAT and inside a light :) pretty cool

28 lokakuuta 2012


Our Saturday night...

06 lokakuuta 2012

Autumn is here!

Long time no see! Ey?

Haven't been writing here for a while, because I haven't really had any good post ideas as I haven't been traveling since Norway trip in August. 

I got a new job in Manchester, freakin finally! have been running in different job interviews and going around town hoping some door will open for me some day soon. 
Well finally it happened and I got a job just 20min by tram from city centre, which is great for me. Short distance to gym after work or shops on the way back home. Oh and I have a new roomie! My boyfriend and I decided that he could move in to my flat as he is always here anyway and doesn't really spend time at his place anymore. (Which is next block in this same building). Everything has been same, he just has basically his stuff here and that's it. 

When I got to the Friday, of course I had to get sick and my boyfriend too, been in the bed and probably will... whole weekend. Blaah! 

I managed to get my hair cut and get some take away- to home. I took my clothes and my boyfriend's clothes to Charity for Children- organization Barnados. I don't actually do much charity but as they don't seem to have any GOOD fleamarkets in UK, I decided to give all to charity what I didn't wear anymore. Some of them I will sell in Facebook "Tampere group" which is great, last trip what I made to my hometown, I managed to get 60€ from my clothes. 

Too bad they don't have that in here...

Have a good weekend everyone! :) 

Mine and Danilo's clothes

This was the place where I took my clothes

My hairdresser

Mmm... Wok wok

01 syyskuuta 2012


Norway - Oslo & Rjukan

We had long weekend so we decided to go to Norway as all flights were perfect. It was bank holiday in UK on Monday so we had shorter week than other ones. We flew with Ryanair ( of course ) and paid for flights like £55 each, which is not bad! Our main mission was to do bungee jump in Rjukan. Rjukan is a small town 2 hours away from Oslo. We arrived on Friday evening and woke up early in the morning on Saturday and went to have a look at the town. We rented a car for Rjukan and in some reason it was cheaper to take 3 days rental than 2 days. We were both driving around Oslo and on Sunday we left early after the delicious breakfast in  our hotel Astor Thon, just off from main street Karl Johan Gaten. 

Trip to Rjukan wasn't so easy, we were depending on our rented TomTom (SatNav) and there was only one road to go to Rjukan, of course... there was this road barrier which didn't go up. There was few other people wondering what is happening and luckily one norwegian guy realized other but longer way, so we started to follow his car and found the way. 

We made it in time to Bungee and I was the first one jumping and my boyfriend was taking video. Then we did vice versa. Can't really describe how awesome it was, but I recommend this to everyone who likes adrenaline or is adrenaline addict! 

Here you can see my jump: