09 kesäkuuta 2012

Last 6 months....

Last 6 months starts soon in Manchester. I have decided long time ago that it's time to save some money and move on, take my stuff back to Finland and go from there. In my plans, I have had many places to go, but it looks like it will be one of the following countries: US, CA, AU, NZ 
I've been here  over 2 years then my plans are getting more clear every day... when you are sitting in the car/train to work for an hour and its June and +7 degrees. This is not summer, this is not what I want. I have been more sick in this country than in Finland or anywhere else. Let's say, I just had enough :) 
There is so many good memories as well in Manchester, got couple good friends who I can keep touch and good memories. Anyways, last 6 months should be fun, because I'm moving in with my friend Anna and she has also plans after 6 months - move on to some other place. So it's perfect. 

PS. I'm just starting now to write in English as well. ( Sorry about my bad grammar though).

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